Paul's Portfolio

Welcome to Gerald Cabero's Home Page

Welcome to my page, this is where I showcase many of my works let be it from Revit or robotics.

I will also post links to my other sites in this portfolio.



Robotics class project, MESA ESLR, Bowling and Sumo bots sections included.


A new school year has started, i am now taking Robotics class. Hoping for a good new year.


I have just implemented my San Francisco Museum design on the left bar.


Resume made, with a couple of more cleaning in the site.
To see my resume click here.


Roof Style Page made,
my first ever project in architectural design claI also put up videos and a powerpoint for the rooftop styles and Architectural designs.


Updated my architectural design page


As the quarter ends all work done are due, our powerpoints, videos, models, and layouts has to be done soon. Finished this site is also due, well patience is a virtue.

Paul Cabero Designs